Dr Clare Fernandes

Dr Clare Fernandes is an Occupational Health Physician. Clare is the Chief Medical Officer at the BBC and a practising doctor. 

Since joining the BBC, Clare’s role has revolved around providing medical input into policies and practices around BBC buildings during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing return to work advice for colleagues, from drivers in Nepal to TV celebrities, general health promotion and COVID-19 health advice, and (virtually) taken her to teams in Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan Nairobi and South Africa. She has worked with shows such as Strictly Come Dancing and EastEnders to keep your favourite shows going during the pandemic. She is currently leading the development of the BBC’s post COVID wellbeing strategy.

Clare is the author of ‘Questions and Answers for the Diploma in Occupational Medicine’.

Outside of work, Clare is a keen diver and loves to travel, particularly to experience new cultures and new food and textiles, and is a keen scuba diver.