Mad World will attract an audience of C-Suite executives and senior management with procurement responsibility from FTSE 100 to the UK’s 1000 largest companies through to SMEs from a range of industries. Attendees will have a qualified interest in solutions that will help them to meet the current and future mental health and wellbeing needs of employees. Journalists and relevant bloggers will also be targeted as attendees. Companies will be encouraged to send both senior staff and representatives of next generation leadership teams.

Sample job titles of attendees include:
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Finance Officer
Chief People Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Chief Happiness Officer
Chief Corporate Social Responsibility Officer
HR Director
Director of Health and Safety
Director of Occupational Health
Director of Internal Communications
Corporate Social Responsibility Director
Mental Health Leader
Head of Happiness
Head of Wellbeing
Head of Employee Engagement
Head of Internal Communications
Next generation leadership teams
Recruitment professionals
Solution providers and consultants