Professor Marcantonio Spada

Professor Marcantonio Spada is Chief Clinical Officer at Onebright Mental Health. He is an experienced clinician, trainer, and researcher in the fields of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Metacognitive Therapy (MCT). Marcantonio is also Emeritus Professor of Addictive Behaviours and Mental Health at London South Bank University and serves as Editor-in-Chief of Addictive Behaviours, one of the leading scientific journals in the psychology and psychiatry of addiction. Marcantonio is the author of over 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles, seven book chapters and three books, and is a recognised international authority in MCT and its novel application to the conceptualisation and treatment of addictive behaviours, cyberchondria and psychological distress in health conditions. Before re-training as a psychologist and CBT/MCT practitioner, Professor Spada worked as an investment analyst in the banking sector.