Reasonable adjustments in mental health for neurodiverse employees

Workplace adjustments to engender inclusive environments enabling everybody to thrive in their work are an increasing area of focus amongst workplace health and wellbeing strategies and interventions. Adjustments for neurodivergent workers, such as workplace design solutions, continue to be adopted, but there still remains inconsistency in understanding, application and practice.

This roundtable session will provide an opportunity to share learnings amongst peers to explore:

  • How well we currently understand the extent and advantages of neurodiversity in our workplaces
  • How we can create neurodiverse workplaces through reconfiguring recruitment practices
  • How we can better foster inclusive workplaces going forward
Debbie Hamilton

Debbie Hamilton

Nurse Consultant, Healix Health
Debbie Hamilton

Stephen Haynes

Stephen Haynes

Director of Wellbeing, British Safety Council
Stephen Haynes

Reasonable adjustments in mental health for neurodiverse employees